
Originating from the very successful Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced Materials (2007-2019), the FAU Competence Center Engineering of Advanced Materials (FAU EAM) was established as research center at FAU in April 2022 to unite existing structures within the FAU Key Research Priority ‘New Materials and Processes’ with the aim to continuously develop fundamental research methods and provide high-class infrastructure.

FAU EAM, with the existing competence, will continue to act as nucleus for and backbone of new research initiatives and as hub for worldwide visible excellence in materials and process research. Therefore, a close research collaboration and mutual cross-fertilization of scientific knowledge will be established with the FAU Profile Center New Materials and Processes (FAU NMP).

Competence Centers have a cross-sectional function and provides expertise and support from basic research to the development of methods and instrumentation for the entire range of research carried out at FAU. An overview of all FAU profile, research and competence centers can be found on the FAU Research profile website.



Host-guest recognition is an essential part of supramolecular chemistry which is concerned with the interactions and optimal design of host molecules for specific guest molecules. Here, we modelled a perylene bisimide based macrocycle synthesized in the group of Maria Eugenia Perez-Ojeda that is abl...

Glückwunsch an FAU EAM Unit FPS! Zentrum der FAU wird Core Facility – knapp eine Million Euro Förderung durch die DFG Drehscheibe für Partikelforschung Das Erlangen Center for Functional Particle Systems (FPS) wird zur Core Facility ausgebaut. Künftig können auch Forschende anderer wissenschaftli...

Welcome to the newest FAU EAM member Prof. Dr. Simon Thiele Prof. Dr.-Ing. Simon Thiele studied physics at the University of Freiburg. In 2009 he started a PhD on the tomographic reconstruction of catalyst layers for proton exchange membrane fuel cells at the Institute of Microsystems Technology of...