
This image illustrates the crack pattern that emerges as a suspension dries. The system consists of interconnected particles held together by capillary bridges, which, upon evaporation, result in the formation of cracks. This simulation was programmed so that the arbitrary arrangement of the evapora...

FAU beteiligt sich an Wasserstoff-Technologie-Projekt zu emissionsfreien Antriebstechnologien in Deutschland Die FAU ist am Wasserstoff-Technologie-Anwenderzentrum (WTAZ) beteiligt, das in Pfeffenhausen im Süden Bayerns entsteht und gerade in die Umsetzungsphase startet. Das Ziel: Mittels der neuen...

One of the central goals in the PULS group is the knowledge-based design of new selective and highly-active catalytic systems. To achieve this goal, we utilize state of the art (hybrid) quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical methods to predict the physico-chemical properties and underlying reac...

Welcome to the newses FAU EAM member Dr-Ing. Pablo Jiménez-Calvo Dr. Pablo Jiménez-Calvo (MRSC) is an independent Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post-doctoral Fellow. With a background in Materials Chemistry and Physics (Dr. Valérie Keller, University of Strasbourg, 2019). He spanned two post-doctoral fell...

Our group investigates PVD and CVD coatings with special focus on crystalline CVD-Diamond layers. This includes the design of coating machines, process optimisation and characterisation of the produced coating systems. A key factor of coating quality is the adhesion that marks the ability of the lay...

The new FAU EAM / FAU NMP calendar 2024 arrived! Each month, interesting research images from the field of New Materials and Processes will be shown, including additional information on our webpages. To start with, we present the cover picture: The image shows the trajectories of micrometer-sized...

DFG fördert Entzündungsforschung und Materialentwicklung - FAU freut sich über Erfolg mit zwei Sonderforschungsbereichen Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) fördert an der FAU einen neuen Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio (SFB/TRR) und finanziert einen zweiten für eine weitere Förderperiode....

Zwei Consolidator Grants für die FAU - Materialchemiker Karl Mandel und Neurowissenschaftler Tomohisa Toda erhalten Förderung des ERC Es ist ein erneuter Beleg für die herausragende Forschungsstärke der FAU: Gleich zwei Wissenschaftler sind mit einem Consolidator Grant des Europäischen Forschungsra...

Not one, but two researchers at FAU have been awarded a Synergy Grant, one of the most prestigious grants awarded by the European Research Council. Chemist Prof. Dr. Karl Mayrhofer has received funding for his work on electrocatalysis, and physicist Prof. Dr. Kristian Franze for investigating the me...