
First cleaning prototype for electrochemical water purification in use in the Upper Palatinate region of Germany Clean water using electricity instead of chlorine: In the future, water systems such as fountains and cisterns, but also sewage treatment plants could be cleaned without using chemical s...

FAU-Forschende nutzen erstmals ganzes Lichtspektrum für gezielte Reaktionen Chemische Reaktionen ganz präzise steuern und zwar mit farbigem Licht: Das funktioniert mit einem intelligenten Photokatalysator, der von Forschenden der Universität Gent und des Max-Planck-Instituts für Kolloid- und Grenzf...

Forschungsteam untersucht Gleichrichtung in Schottky-Dioden im Infrarotbereich Wie schnell funktioniert eigentlich eine Diode? Wird sie unter idealen Bedingungen betrieben, kann sie bis zu 2 Billionen Mal pro Sekunde umgeladen werden – schneller ist es bislang in konventionellen Hochfrequenz-Schalt...

DFG fördert Materialwissenschaftler Dr. Stephan E. Wolf, Privatdozent am Lehrstuhl für Glas und Keramik des Departments Werkstoffwissenschaften, ist in das prestigeträchtige Heisenberg-Programm der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) aufgenommen worden. In seinem Heisenberg-Projekt widmet sic...

FAU researchers develop method that promotes uniform drying of particle-containing liquids What do coffee, red wine and ink have in common? The stubborn stains they leave behind. Anyone who has ever knocked over a cup of coffee will know that coffee dries in an unusual pattern, the stain is lighter...

‘German Nobel Prize’ to be awarded in Bonn on May 12 On Thursday May 12, 2022, the physicist Prof. Dr. Peter Hommelhoff from FAU is to receive the most prestigious research prize in Germany, also known as the German Nobel Prize: the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize. The prize is worth 2.5 million eu...

2.5 million euros of funding for five years The Faculty of Engineering at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) has once again been recognized for outstanding achievements: Prof. Dr. Paul Steinmann, Chair of Applied Mechanics, has been awarded an Advanced Grant from the European R...

Researchers at the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy and the Chair of Thermal Process Technology at FAU have succeeded in making invisible hydrogen gas visible to the naked eye in order to prevent the risk of fires and explosions. The key to their research is what is known as supraparticles, tiny...