
FAU researcher receives ERC Proof of Concept Grant Manufacturing extremely thin solar cells using sustainable materials and a 3D printer accurate down to the nanometre: that is the focus of research currently being carried out by Prof. Dr. Julien Bachmann, Chair ‘Chemistry of Thin Film Materials’ a...

FAU researcher receives ERC Proof of Concept Grant Manufacturing extremely thin solar cells using sustainable materials and a 3D printer accurate down to the nanometre: that is the focus of research currently being carried out by Prof. Dr. Julien Bachmann, Chair ‘Chemistry of Thin Film Materials’ a...

Der Chemiker folgt auf Friedrich Paulsen als VP People Zum 1. Februar übernimmt Prof. Dr. Andreas Hirsch das Amt des Vizepräsidenten People an der FAU. Der Universitätsrat der FAU hat dem 61-jährigen Chemiker per Briefwahl mit großer Mehrheit sein Vertrauen ausgesprochen. Hirsch folgt damit auf den...

Prof. Nicolas Vogel wurde am Tag der Technischen Fakultät von Studiendekan Prof. Rolf Wanka mit dem Lehrpreis der Technischen Fakultät 2021 ausgezeichnet. Den Lehrpreis erhalten Lehrende der Fakultät, die kontinuierlich über einen längeren Zeitraum besondere Leistungen im Bereich Lehre erbracht habe...

Funding of new research projects – three EAM Starting Grants awarded As in 2020, the EAM awarded the EAM Starting Grant to excellent young FAU researchers. The EAM starting grant should give the recipients the chance to pursue their own research projects and thus gaining a boost for a successful ac...

FAU physicists discover simple propulsion mechanism for bodies in dense fluids. A team of researchers from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), the University of Liège and the Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy have developed a microswimmer that appears t...

Materials scientist at FAU receives ERC Advanced Grant worth three million euros Prof. Dr. Carolin Körner, Chair of Materials Science and Engineering for Metals at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), and member of the EAM Executive Board, has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant,...