About GS EAM
Successful research in Natural and Engineering Sciences in interdisciplinary and international teams requires creative scientists who can provide cross-disciplinary and intercultural competences. The vision of the GS EAM is to support the evolution of young doctoral researchers into a new generation of scientists capable to pursue careers at an executive level. The central aspect is the unique excellence of the individual doctoral project, imbedded into a training program in multidisciplinary research, international networking and soft skills development. Therefore, we encourage our students to develop their scientific and social skills, and we promote responsibility and cooperation at all levels.
We are looking for highly motivated, analytically thinking and creative students. Therefore we not only support structured doctoral programms at FAU in the area of “New Materials and Processes” but also offer guidance for all doctoral researchers within our FAU Research Priority.
GS EAM closely cooperates with other structured doctoral programs, such as DFG funded research training groups (iRTG CLINT, iRTG ParSciTech, RTG1896, RTG FRASCAL, RTG 2495 and GSMS) and with the elite master program “Advanced Materials and Processes” (MAP), which is supported by the Elite Network of Bavaria (ENB). GS EAM offers MAP students contact with the people and the research topics of the Cluster of Excellence at an early stage in form of a junior membership at GS EAM. Workshops are usually open for all doctoral candidates within the framework of EAM including researchers in the associated RTGs.